Fish is a dazzling challenge - many varieties and endless ways of cooking them...

Tutor:  Jenny Thomson

Suitable for complete novices and those who are fairly competent but feel they have a skills gap. On this day course, Jenny will be teaching you about round fish and molluscs. How to bone, prepare and cook them and how to make a fish stock.
We will be making
Prawn Bisque
Balinese Spiced Mussels
Pancetta Salmon
Seared Sea Bass with Tomato Ragu
Skills covered:  Filleting round fish, stock, pan frying & roasting fish, cleaning & cooking mussels, knife skills.
Course times 10am to 2pm

This course can also be adapted for gluten free diets.

Course times 10am to 2pm.
Price for 1 person £185
Price for 2 people £320
Price for 3 people £420
Price for 4 people £520

Classes are open to all and make fantastic gifts!

Choose and purchase your desired class, either a 1 to 1 class, or up to 4 people. Contact us for availability & booking.