I was wandering around the supermarket the other day and came across ox cheeks in the reduced section. They were priced for next to nothing, so I thought I would give them a try & see what I could do with them.
Having done a bit of research before I started, I discovered that ox cheek is classed as offal, although it is the muscle which works the mouth and face of the cow. It was unavailable for a long time due to BSE legislation, but has now been allowed back into the food chain.
It’s cheap, because a lot of people are either put off or don’t know what to do with it, but given a long slow cook, this cut of meat results in a delicious, meltingly tender texture with huge amounts of flavour.
I’ve cooked this with red wine, bacon and mushrooms, based around a beef bourguignonne recipe. Delicious!
Delicious, meltingly tender & full of flavour.